
December 16 Meeting Topics:
6:30 PM: “
Show & Tell” by All Members
7:05 PM: “
Miscellaneous Goodies” by All Members
NOTICE: We are now meeting in the Café - North Entrance

Below is an overview of the benefits that being a member of CAMUG provides.
We have been serving computer users in Stark County since 1983.

If you have a question, please don't hesitate to send us an
e-mail at

At each meeting, we have a presentation on something that is of interest to our members.

At each meeting, there is an opportunity to ask questions of other members.

Each in-person meeting offers the opportunity to purchase some 50-50 raffle tickets.  These support CAMUG, and give members a chance to win money and prizes.

Each member is assigned an easy to remember email address using the domain.  This allows members to email each other without remembering unusual or cryptic email names.  It also allows members to change email domains without requiring everyone to change their contact list, as we just re-point the forwarding to the new location.

Click HERE for a membership application

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