
December 16 Meeting Topics:
6:30 PM: “
Excel Basics” by Carol Joliat
7:05 PM: “
Senior Fraud Prevention” APCUG video by Deputy Tara Hardin
NOTICE: We are now meeting in the Café - North Entrance

NetObjects Fusion 12.0

The Canton, Alliance, Massillon Users Group (CAMUG ) has been serving the Stark County community since 1983.
We offer assistance to owners of Windows computers.
Whether you are a new PC user, or have years of experience, we are here to help you get the most out of your computer.

CAMUG is now meeting in person and via Zoom.
All members are emailed the monthly Zoom meeting invitations.
Visitors can request a meeting invitation by sending an email to info@camug.com

NetObjects Fusion 12.0CAMUG is a member of APCUG!

The Association of Personal Computer User Groups (APCUG) is a worldwide organization that helps groups devoted to the world of technology including computers, tablets, smart phones, digital photography, genealogy, etc. by facilitating communications between member groups and industry vendors.  (Click the APCUG logo for more information.)

CAMUG membership is open to anyone (all ages) with an interest in computers and technology.
A household membership is only $20 per year.
You can pay in person, check via mail, or use Zelle@camug.com
A visitor may attend two (2) meetings without any obligation.

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